Monday, September 2, 2024

Marketing LegalShield Success

Marketing LegalShield Success

Mastering Marketing for Your LegalShield Business

Marketing is the lifeblood of any successful business, and LegalShield is no exception. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey with LegalShield, understanding how to effectively market your business is crucial for growth and success. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential strategies and tools you need to master marketing for your LegalShield business, helping you attract more clients, build a strong brand, and achieve long-term success.

Understanding Your Market

Before diving into marketing strategies, it's essential to understand your target market. LegalShield offers legal services to individuals, families, and businesses, so your potential clients are diverse. However, not everyone will be your ideal customer. To create effective marketing campaigns, you need to identify who your ideal clients are.

  1. Demographics: Consider the age, gender, income level, occupation, and education of your target audience. For example, young professionals and small business owners may have different legal needs compared to retirees or large corporations.

  2. Psychographics: Beyond demographics, consider the interests, values, and lifestyles of your potential clients. Understanding what motivates them will help you tailor your messaging to resonate with their needs and desires.

  3. Pain Points: Identify the common legal challenges your target audience faces. This could include issues related to contracts, estate planning, identity theft, or business formation. Understanding these pain points allows you to position LegalShield as the solution.

Crafting Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is how your LegalShield business is perceived by the public. It's more than just a logo or a catchy slogan—it's the essence of what your business stands for. A strong brand identity helps you stand out in a crowded market and builds trust with your audience.

  1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What sets your LegalShield business apart from other legal services? Your USP should highlight the unique benefits your clients will receive by choosing you over competitors. This could be your exceptional customer service, your deep understanding of local legal issues, or the convenience of LegalShield's subscription model.

  2. Brand Personality: Decide on the personality of your brand. Is it professional and authoritative, or friendly and approachable? Your brand personality should reflect the values and expectations of your target audience.

  3. Visual Identity: Your logo, color scheme, and typography should all work together to create a cohesive visual identity. These elements should be consistent across all your marketing materials, from your website to your business cards.

  4. Brand Voice: How do you communicate with your audience? Your brand voice should be consistent in all your communications, whether you're writing blog posts, sending emails, or speaking at events. It should align with your brand personality and resonate with your target market.

Building an Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is non-negotiable. Your website and social media profiles are often the first places potential clients will go to learn more about your LegalShield business. Here's how to build and optimize your online presence:

  1. Website: Your website is your digital storefront. It should be professional, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide visitors to take the next step, whether that's signing up for a consultation, subscribing to your newsletter, or purchasing a LegalShield plan.

    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Optimize your website for search engines to increase its visibility. Use relevant keywords in your content, meta descriptions, and alt tags. Create valuable content that answers the questions your target audience is searching for, and ensure your website loads quickly and is secure (HTTPS).

    • Blog: A blog is a powerful tool for attracting traffic to your website. Regularly publish articles that provide valuable information related to legal issues, such as "How to Protect Your Small Business from Legal Risks" or "Estate Planning 101: What You Need to Know." Blogging not only helps with SEO but also establishes you as an authority in your field.

  2. Social Media: Social media platforms are excellent tools for building relationships with your audience, sharing valuable content, and promoting your services.

    • Choosing Platforms: Focus on the platforms where your target audience is most active. For LegalShield, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are particularly useful for reaching both individuals and businesses.

    • Content Strategy: Share a mix of content, including blog posts, client testimonials, industry news, and educational videos. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, asking questions, and participating in relevant conversations.

    • Paid Advertising: Consider using paid social media advertising to reach a larger audience. Facebook and LinkedIn ads allow you to target specific demographics, making them an effective way to reach potential clients.

  3. Email Marketing: Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture leads and keep your audience engaged. Build an email list by offering a free resource, such as a legal checklist or eBook, in exchange for visitors' email addresses.

    • Newsletters: Send regular newsletters to keep your audience informed about legal news, upcoming events, and special promotions. Make sure your emails provide value and aren't overly promotional.

    • Automated Campaigns: Set up automated email campaigns to follow up with leads, onboard new clients, or re-engage inactive subscribers. Personalize your emails to increase engagement and conversion rates.

Leveraging Referrals and Networking

Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful, especially in the legal industry, where trust and credibility are paramount. Leveraging referrals and networking can help you build a strong client base and expand your reach.

  1. Ask for Referrals: Don't be afraid to ask your satisfied clients for referrals. People are more likely to trust a recommendation from someone they know. Consider offering an incentive, such as a discount on future services, to encourage referrals.

  2. Join Networking Groups: Participate in local business associations, chambers of commerce, and industry-specific groups. Networking events are opportunities to meet potential clients and build relationships with other professionals who can refer clients to you.

  3. Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships with other businesses that serve your target market. For example, a partnership with a financial advisor or real estate agent could lead to mutual referrals.

  4. Online Reviews: Encourage your clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and LinkedIn. Positive reviews build credibility and can influence potential clients' decision-making process.

Utilizing Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage your target audience. By providing useful information, you can establish your LegalShield business as a trusted authority and build long-term relationships with potential clients.

  1. Educational Content: Create content that educates your audience about legal topics relevant to their needs. This could include blog posts, eBooks, webinars, and videos. Educational content helps build trust and positions you as an expert in your field.

  2. Case Studies: Share success stories from your clients (with their permission). Case studies demonstrate the value of your services and provide real-world examples of how LegalShield can solve common legal challenges.

  3. Webinars and Workshops: Host webinars or workshops on topics like "Legal Considerations for Small Business Owners" or "Understanding Your Rights as a Consumer." These events allow you to showcase your expertise and engage directly with potential clients.

  4. Content Distribution: Share your content across multiple channels, including your website, social media, email newsletters, and relevant online communities. The more places your content appears, the more likely it is to reach your target audience.

Tracking and Analyzing Your Results

To ensure your marketing efforts are effective, it's essential to track and analyze your results. By monitoring key metrics, you can identify what's working, what isn't, and how to improve your strategies.

  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the KPIs that matter most to your business. These could include website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, conversion rates, and client acquisition costs.

  2. Analytics Tools: Use tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing platforms to track your KPIs. Regularly review your data to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

  3. A/B Testing: Experiment with different marketing strategies to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B testing allows you to compare different versions of a webpage, email, or ad to determine which performs better.

  4. Adjusting Your Strategy: Based on your analysis, adjust your marketing strategy as needed. If a particular campaign isn't delivering the desired results, try a different approach. Continuous improvement is key to long-term success.

Staying Compliant

Finally, it's important to ensure that all your marketing efforts are compliant with legal and ethical guidelines. The legal industry is heavily regulated, and any missteps in your marketing could lead to penalties or damage your reputation.

  1. Advertising Ethics: Be honest and transparent in your marketing. Avoid making exaggerated claims or promising outcomes that you can't guarantee. Ensure that your marketing materials are accurate and not misleading.

  2. Compliance with Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the regulations governing legal marketing in your jurisdiction. This may include rules about advertising, client confidentiality, and solicitation.

  3. Privacy and Data Security: If you're collecting personal information from clients or website visitors, ensure that you're complying with privacy laws and protecting their data. Use secure methods for storing and transmitting sensitive information.

Mastering marketing for your LegalShield business is a journey that requires dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target audience. By focusing on building a strong brand, leveraging online and offline marketing channels, creating valuable content, and continuously analyzing your results, you can attract more clients and grow your business. Remember, marketing is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process that evolves as your business and the market change. Stay adaptable, keep learning, and don't be afraid to try new strategies to achieve success in your LegalShield business.

Interested in becoming a Legal Shield Associate? 


or Call: 1-800-844-9639 Ext. 4211

Thursday, August 29, 2024

From Circle Time to Financial Freedom: How One Early Childhood Teacher Found Success as a LegalShield Associate

From Circle Time to Financial Freedom: 

How One Early Childhood Teacher Found Success as a LegalShield Associate

Let me tell you a story about Sarah, an early childhood teacher who, like many, had dreams of being financially free but had somehow found herself stuck in a whirlwind of finger paints, juice spills, and daily sing-alongs to "The Wheels on the Bus." Sarah loved her students, don’t get me wrong. But love doesn't pay the bills, does it? And the sticky mess on her shoes every day certainly didn’t feel like a stepping stone to financial freedom.

The Beginning of the End (of Being Broke)

Sarah's financial life looked like the shelves in her classroom: full of potential, but always a little chaotic. Between rent, groceries, and that one Target trip where she “accidentally” bought four new picture books for her classroom, Sarah’s paycheck was gone as soon as it arrived. She often joked that her true salary came in the form of macaroni necklaces and glittery, misspelled "Thank You" cards.

But one fateful afternoon, while cleaning Play-Doh out of her hair and wondering if "nap time" should be for the teachers too, she stumbled upon a Facebook post from a fellow educator. “Earn extra income with LegalShield! Be your own boss!” it said. Sarah rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, “Yeah, right. I can’t even get my class to stay in their seats for snack time.” But something about the idea of being her own boss intrigued her. She knew she was great at managing chaos—what was a little side hustle compared to 15 toddlers throwing Cheerios at each other?

Her Big Leap into LegalShield

At first, Sarah was skeptical. She wasn’t a “business” person. She was an expert in child development, not legal protection plans. Plus, the closest she’d come to “legal matters” was negotiating snack trades between kids in her class.

However, after talking with a friend who had become a LegalShield associate, Sarah decided to give it a shot. After all, what did she have to lose? Worst-case scenario, she’d still be surrounded by sticky fingers and singalongs—but now, she had the potential to earn some extra cash.

She signed up, half-expecting the whole thing to be as much of a mess as craft time with glitter. But, to her surprise, the training was simple. LegalShield offered her all the resources she needed, and Sarah was ready to roll. She realized she had been selling people on the benefits of nap time and art projects for years. How hard could selling something people actually needed be?

Turning Playtime into Payday

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Sarah soon realized that her experience as a teacher was the perfect preparation for being a LegalShield associate. Think about it: dealing with parents who want to know everything, managing expectations, staying calm under pressure—all skills she used in the classroom were now working in her favor.

Her first few sales came from people she knew in the education world—other teachers who also had low salaries and high hopes of one day affording an adult-sized wardrobe without sippy cup stains. Before she knew it, her LegalShield business was growing, and she was making extra money that actually made a difference in her life.

The best part? She could work on her LegalShield business during her free time, which (let’s face it) for a teacher meant between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM after she finished grading papers and begging her printer to work again.

The Turnaround: From Broke to Bougie

Fast forward a few months, and Sarah’s side hustle was no longer just a “side” hustle. She’d gone from wondering if she could afford an extra latte this week to seriously considering upgrading from her IKEA futon to an actual couch. Her LegalShield income wasn’t just padding her paycheck—it was starting to eclipse it.

One day, she found herself shopping online, not for classroom supplies but for a vacation. A VACATION. Not one where she had to chaperone kids, but an actual adult vacation where she could sit in the sun, drink something with an umbrella in it, and not have to worry about bathroom breaks every 20 minutes.

As Sarah sat on her new couch, sipping her latte from a fancy coffee machine she paid for with LegalShield money, she realized she had achieved something she hadn’t thought possible: financial freedom. Sure, she still loved her job as a teacher, but it felt pretty great knowing that she didn’t have to rely solely on her teaching salary anymore. She could afford the extras—the little luxuries that she had always put on hold.

The Final Chapter: LegalShield Superstar

Sarah’s LegalShield journey didn’t stop there. She quickly became known as “the teacher who made it big.” She used her skills to help other teachers who were stuck in the same financial quicksand she’d once been in. Her passion for teaching transformed into a passion for mentoring others—whether it was in the classroom or showing them how to build their own LegalShield business.

In just over a year, Sarah had turned what was once a way to make a few extra bucks into a full-on career shift. And you know what? She still teaches. But now, instead of worrying about how she’s going to make ends meet, she gets to enjoy the parts of teaching that made her fall in love with the job in the first place.

Sarah’s journey to financial freedom wasn’t filled with complicated business jargon or sleepless nights. Instead, it was filled with the same skills she used to navigate toddler meltdowns and snack time debates. LegalShield wasn’t just a way for her to make money—it was a way for her to reclaim her financial independence while still doing what she loved.

And the best part? She did it all without getting another macaroni necklace.

The Moral of the Story?

If Sarah could go from cleaning up spilled milk to building a financially free future with LegalShield, what’s stopping you? Whether you’re a teacher, a daycare provider, or anyone who knows the pain of pinching pennies, LegalShield offers the chance to take control of your financial destiny.

So, go ahead—turn those nap-time daydreams into reality. LegalShield just might be the thing that finally gets you off that IKEA futon and onto a beach chair with a cocktail in hand. Cheers to that!


or Call: 1-800-844-9639 Ext. 4211

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Achieving Financial Freedom LegalShield

Achieving Financial Freedom LegalShield:

Achieving Financial Freedom with LegalShield: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced and often unpredictable world, achieving financial freedom is a goal many people aspire to. Financial freedom means having the financial stability to live life on your own terms, without the constant worry of how to make ends meet. It’s about having the freedom to make choices that align with your values and dreams, rather than being constrained by your financial situation.  

One tool that has been gaining traction in helping individuals achieve financial freedom is LegalShield. LegalShield provides affordable legal services and identity theft protection, empowering its members to handle legal matters with confidence and peace of mind. But how exactly can LegalShield contribute to your journey toward financial freedom? In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways LegalShield can be an essential part of your financial freedom strategy.

Understanding Financial Freedom

Before diving into the specifics of LegalShield, it's important to define what financial freedom really means. Financial freedom is more than just having a lot of money; it’s about having control over your finances. This includes:

  1. Debt Elimination: Being free from high-interest debts that eat away at your income.
  2. Adequate Savings: Having a robust emergency fund and savings for future goals like retirement, education, or travel.
  3. Income Security: Earning a stable and sufficient income that covers all your needs and allows for some luxuries.
  4. Financial Independence: The ability to support yourself without relying on others, including during retirement.
  5. Investment for Growth: Growing your wealth through investments that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Financial freedom is a journey, not a destination. It requires careful planning, disciplined spending, and strategic investments. This is where LegalShield can play a pivotal role.

LegalShield: A Brief Overview

LegalShield is a membership-based service that provides legal protection and services to individuals and families. For a monthly fee, members gain access to a network of attorneys who can assist with a wide range of legal issues, from simple document reviews to more complex legal matters like estate planning, business formation, and litigation.

Founded in 1972, LegalShield aims to make legal services accessible and affordable for everyone, not just the wealthy. The company operates on the principle that everyone deserves access to legal protection, regardless of their financial status.

How LegalShield Supports Financial Freedom

Legal issues can be a significant financial burden. Whether it’s dealing with a dispute, navigating the complexities of a legal contract, or protecting your identity from theft, these issues can quickly drain your finances. LegalShield offers a variety of services that can help mitigate these risks, ensuring that legal problems don’t derail your financial goals.

1. Affordable Access to Legal Services

One of the most significant barriers to seeking legal help is the cost. Traditional legal services can be prohibitively expensive, often charging hundreds of dollars per hour. This expense can deter people from seeking the legal advice they need, leading to costly mistakes down the line.

LegalShield eliminates this barrier by offering affordable, flat-rate monthly plans that provide access to legal services. This means you can get the legal advice you need without worrying about high hourly fees. For individuals focused on financial freedom, this is crucial because it allows you to handle legal matters proactively, avoiding expensive legal pitfalls.

2. Debt Management and Legal Assistance

Debt is one of the biggest obstacles to financial freedom. Whether it’s credit card debt, student loans, or medical bills, debt can quickly spiral out of control if not managed properly. LegalShield can assist with debt-related legal issues, such as negotiating with creditors, disputing incorrect charges, and understanding your rights under debt collection laws.

By providing access to attorneys who can help you navigate these issues, LegalShield can be a valuable tool in your debt management strategy. This can help you reduce or eliminate debt more effectively, freeing up more of your income for savings and investments.

3. Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft is a growing concern in the digital age, and it can have devastating financial consequences. Recovering from identity theft can be time-consuming and expensive, often involving legal fees, lost income, and damage to your credit score.

LegalShield offers identity theft protection through its IDShield service. IDShield monitors your personal information, alerts you to potential threats, and provides full restoration services if your identity is compromised. By protecting yourself from identity theft, you can avoid the financial setbacks that can delay your journey to financial freedom.

4. Legal Support for Small Business Owners

For many people, financial freedom is closely tied to entrepreneurship. Owning a business can provide a path to financial independence, but it also comes with legal challenges. From setting up the right business structure to dealing with contracts, intellectual property, and employee relations, small business owners face a myriad of legal issues.

LegalShield offers plans specifically designed for small business owners. These plans provide access to legal advice and services tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs. By ensuring that your business is legally sound, you can focus on growth and profitability, bringing you closer to financial freedom.

5. Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation

Estate planning is a critical aspect of financial freedom, especially as you accumulate wealth. Having a solid estate plan ensures that your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes, minimizing the financial impact on your loved ones.

LegalShield provides estate planning services, including the drafting of wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. By taking care of these important legal documents, you can ensure that your wealth is preserved and passed on efficiently, without the risk of expensive legal battles or estate taxes.

6. Legal Protection for Families

Family-related legal issues can also impact your financial freedom. Divorce, child custody disputes, and other family matters can be emotionally and financially draining. LegalShield offers services that can help you navigate these sensitive issues with legal guidance, ensuring that your rights are protected and financial agreements are fair.

By addressing these issues proactively, you can avoid prolonged legal battles that can be financially devastating, allowing you to maintain your focus on achieving financial freedom.

The Benefits of LegalShield Membership

Beyond the specific services LegalShield offers, there are several broader benefits to being a member that can contribute to your financial freedom journey.

1. Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have access to legal help whenever you need it can provide significant peace of mind. This peace of mind allows you to make decisions confidently, knowing that you have professional support if any legal issues arise. When you’re less stressed about potential legal problems, you can focus more on building your financial future.

2. Proactive Legal Management

LegalShield encourages proactive legal management, meaning you can address legal issues before they become major problems. This proactive approach can save you money and stress in the long run. Whether it’s reviewing a contract before you sign it or getting advice on a legal question, handling issues early can prevent costly mistakes.

3. Cost Savings

By offering a flat monthly fee, LegalShield makes legal services more predictable and affordable. This cost savings is especially important for those pursuing financial freedom, as it allows you to allocate more of your income toward saving and investing, rather than unexpected legal bills.

4. Comprehensive Coverage

LegalShield offers comprehensive legal coverage, meaning you’re protected in a wide range of situations. This coverage includes everything from everyday legal issues, like traffic tickets and landlord disputes, to more complex matters, like estate planning and business legal services. Having this level of coverage ensures that no matter what legal challenges you face, you have the support you need.

LegalShield as a Tool for Financial Freedom

Achieving financial freedom requires a multifaceted approach, including effective debt management, smart investing, and prudent financial planning. LegalShield can be a valuable part of this strategy by providing affordable, accessible legal services that help you navigate the legal complexities of modern life.

Whether you’re looking to protect your assets, grow your business, or simply ensure that you and your family are legally protected, LegalShield offers a range of services that can support your financial freedom journey. By incorporating LegalShield into your financial plan, you can move closer to the ultimate goal of living life on your terms, free from financial stress and uncertainty.


or Call: 1-800-844-9639 Ext. 4211

LegalShield: A Lucrative Business Opportunity for Individuals and Families


A Lucrative Business Opportunity for Individuals and Families

In today’s fast-paced world, where legal issues can arise unexpectedly, having access to affordable and reliable legal services is more important than ever. Unfortunately, many individuals and families find themselves unprepared when faced with legal challenges, often due to the high cost and complexity of legal representation. This is where LegalShield steps in, offering a unique and potentially lucrative business opportunity for those who want to provide valuable legal services while also building a successful business.

What is LegalShield?

LegalShield is a company that offers pre-paid legal service plans to individuals, families, and small businesses. Founded in 1972, LegalShield’s mission has been to make legal services accessible and affordable for everyone, regardless of their financial situation. With over 4.5 million members across North America, the company has established itself as a leader in the legal services industry.

Members pay a monthly fee in exchange for access to a network of law firms that provide various legal services, including consultation, document review, and representation in certain cases. LegalShield covers a wide range of legal issues, from everyday matters like traffic violations and contract disputes to more serious concerns like identity theft and family law. By providing a comprehensive suite of services, LegalShield empowers its members to address legal challenges without the fear of exorbitant fees.

The Need for Affordable Legal Services

Legal issues can arise at any time, often when we least expect them. Whether it’s a dispute with a landlord, a traffic ticket, or a need to draft a will, legal assistance is often necessary to navigate these challenges. However, traditional legal services can be prohibitively expensive, leaving many individuals and families without the help they need. The high cost of hiring an attorney deters people from seeking legal assistance, even when it’s in their best interest to do so.

According to a study by the American Bar Association, 77% of low-income households faced at least one civil legal problem in the past year, yet the majority did not receive legal assistance due to the cost. This gap in access to legal services highlights a significant need in the market—one that LegalShield is uniquely positioned to fill.

How LegalShield Works

LegalShield operates on a simple, yet effective model: members pay a monthly fee (typically between $20 and $40) in exchange for access to a network of law firms. These law firms are contracted by LegalShield to provide legal services to members at no additional cost. The services covered under a standard LegalShield plan include:

  • Legal Consultation: Members can consult with a lawyer on any legal matter, receiving advice and guidance on how to proceed.
  • Document Review: LegalShield lawyers will review contracts, leases, and other legal documents (up to a certain number of pages) to ensure members understand the terms and conditions.
  • Will Preparation: One of the most valuable services offered by LegalShield is the preparation of a will, which is included in the membership fee.
  • Representation: In certain cases, such as traffic violations or small claims court, LegalShield lawyers will represent members in court at no additional cost.
  • Letters and Phone Calls: LegalShield lawyers can write letters or make phone calls on behalf of members to resolve disputes or negotiate settlements.

By bundling these services into a monthly subscription, LegalShield makes legal assistance affordable and accessible to a wide range of people. This model not only benefits members but also creates a lucrative business opportunity for those who choose to become LegalShield associates.

The Business Opportunity with LegalShield

LegalShield offers a unique business opportunity for individuals who are passionate about helping others and want to build a successful business. As a LegalShield associate, you have the opportunity to earn income by marketing and selling LegalShield memberships to individuals, families, and businesses.

Here are some of the key benefits of becoming a LegalShield associate:

  1. Low Startup Costs: Unlike many traditional business opportunities that require significant upfront investment, becoming a LegalShield associate requires minimal startup costs. This makes it accessible to a wide range of people, regardless of their financial situation.

  2. Residual Income: One of the most attractive aspects of the LegalShield business model is the opportunity to earn residual income. When you sell a LegalShield membership, you earn a commission not just once, but every month that the member continues to renew their subscription. Over time, this can add up to a substantial income stream.

  3. Flexible Work Schedule: As a LegalShield associate, you have the flexibility to work on your own terms. Whether you want to build your business full-time or part-time, LegalShield provides the tools and support you need to succeed. This flexibility makes it an ideal opportunity for people with busy lives, such as parents, students, or those with other jobs.

  4. Comprehensive Training and Support: LegalShield is committed to the success of its associates. The company offers comprehensive training and support, including online courses, webinars, and in-person events. Whether you’re new to sales or have years of experience, LegalShield provides the resources you need to build a successful business.

  5. Helping Others: Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of being a LegalShield associate is the opportunity to help others. By providing affordable legal services, you can make a real difference in the lives of your clients. Whether it’s helping a family prepare a will, resolving a legal dispute, or protecting someone from identity theft, the work you do as a LegalShield associate has a tangible impact.

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples of LegalShield Associates

There are countless success stories of individuals who have built thriving businesses with LegalShield. These stories serve as inspiration for anyone considering joining the LegalShield team.

One such success story is that of John and Jane Smith (names changed for privacy), a married couple who joined LegalShield as associates in 2010. Initially, they started selling LegalShield memberships part-time while maintaining their full-time jobs. However, as they began to see the potential of the business, they decided to dedicate more time to growing their LegalShield business. Within a few years, they had built a substantial client base and were earning a six-figure income through residual commissions. Today, they have achieved financial independence and continue to help others by providing affordable legal services.

Another inspiring example is Maria Gonzalez (name changed for privacy), a single mother who joined LegalShield to supplement her income. Maria had no prior sales experience but was passionate about the company’s mission of making legal services accessible to everyone. With the training and support provided by LegalShield, Maria quickly learned the ropes and started building her business. Within a year, she was earning enough to quit her job and focus on her LegalShield business full-time. Maria’s story is a testament to the fact that anyone can succeed with LegalShield, regardless of their background or experience.

The LegalShield Advantage: Why It Stands Out

In a market filled with legal service providers, LegalShield stands out for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: LegalShield offers a wide range of legal services, making it a one-stop-shop for legal assistance. Whether it’s a routine matter like reviewing a contract or a more complex issue like family law, LegalShield has its members covered.

  2. Affordability: By offering legal services on a subscription basis, LegalShield makes legal assistance affordable for everyone. The monthly fee is a fraction of what traditional legal services would cost, making it accessible to individuals and families from all walks of life.

  3. Established Network: LegalShield has a network of law firms across North America, ensuring that members have access to quality legal services no matter where they are. These law firms are carefully vetted and contracted by LegalShield, ensuring that members receive top-notch legal representation.

  4. Proven Business Model: LegalShield’s business model has stood the test of time. With over 50 years in the industry, the company has a proven track record of success, both in terms of providing legal services and offering a lucrative business opportunity for its associates.

  5. Social Impact: LegalShield’s mission goes beyond just making legal services affordable; it’s about leveling the playing field and ensuring that everyone has access to justice. By joining LegalShield, you’re not just building a business—you’re contributing to a cause that makes a real difference in people’s lives.

How to Get Started with LegalShield

Getting started with LegalShield is easy. The first step is to sign up as an associate, which involves a minimal initial investment of $49. Once you’re signed up, you’ll have access to LegalShield’s comprehensive training program, which will teach you everything you need to know about marketing and selling LegalShield memberships.

LegalShield also provides a range of marketing tools and resources to help you grow your business. From online marketing platforms to in-person events, LegalShield offers multiple avenues for you to reach potential clients. Additionally, the company’s support team is always available to assist you with any questions or challenges you may encounter along the way.

As you start building your client base, you’ll begin to earn commissions on the memberships you sell. Over time, as your business grows, so will your residual income. The more effort you put into your LegalShield business, the greater your potential for financial success.

LegalShield as a Lucrative Business Opportunity

LegalShield offers a unique and lucrative business opportunity for individuals and families who are looking for a flexible and rewarding way to earn income. By providing affordable legal services, LegalShield meets a critical need in today’s society while also offering a proven business model for those who want to build a successful business.

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income, achieve financial independence, or simply make a difference in your community, LegalShield provides the tools, support, and opportunity to help you succeed. With its comprehensive legal coverage, affordable pricing, and commitment to social impact, LegalShield is not just a business—it’s a chance to empower yourself and others.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your financial future while making a positive impact on the lives of others, consider becoming a LegalShield.


or Call: 1-800-844-9639 Ext. 4211

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Valentines Gift Ideas

Show your special person that you care this Valentines Day 2021! Candy and or flowers are OK but, what mother, wife, girlfriend or sister wouldn't like a piece of Handmade, personalized jewelry?  Necklace pendants and earrings are made with palmer clay.  Each piece is unique and one of a kind. 

Fine personalized, handmade, unique and custom gifts at

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Learning Centers

Creating Learning Centers in Early Childhood Classrooms

 A learning center is usually defined as an area in a child care or school where children go to small groups to focus their attention on a specific kind of play activity. A good learning center should be a learning experience. The teacher should create each center with a certain goal in mind, and when that goal is met, those centers will be successful.

Learning centers should constantly be changing because they are incorporating lesson plans from the teacher.  Having successful learning centers will require that teachers be creative. 

A teacher should have a thorough knowledge of child development and learning in order to be able to understand the characteristics of children within the given age groups.  Teachers must be able to determine what activities, materials, interactions, and experiences will be safe, healthy, appropriate (age, individual, and sociocultural) and challenging for the age group that they will be working with.  For more on the subject, take the continuing education course: Early Childhood Growth and Development.

Why learning centers:
Learning centers help with better classroom management and better overall achievement. With learning centers students begin to see how they learn best and it promotes physical activity which helps with overall mood.
Children have various learning styles:
Our goal is to make the classroom environment reflect the different learning styles of the children/students in the group.
Before we get into what the learning centers should look like, let’s go over some basic housekeeping and groundwork to keep in mind in order to help make the center experience smooth and pleasant for everyone involved.

Clarify:  Learning centers that are open for the day should be presented to the children during circle time or at the beginning of the day. It is a good idea to use pictures on a board to let children know what centers are available. Make sure to not only use words but use pictures that illustrate
what the center is about.  Non-reading children could become discouraged and distracted from the confusion of the words they can't interpret.
Responsibility: Using learning centers is a good way to teach children to take care of things and people. The teacher should instruct children to clean the area when they are done so that other children can enjoy the center also.

Peak their interest: Good learning centers never get boring. Introduce the center and explain something interesting about each center before children make their choices.  Have enough areas for children to choose from, make changes and add new item but not too often.  Limit the time for each center area so there's no time to get bored. Don’t make the time too short so that the children do not have enough time to complete their exploration.

Start setting up your learning centers today.  To get help with materials and ideas,  visit: The Learning Center Shop.

To take the 3 hour continuing education course, visit Networx LLC's website.

Tina Oliver, M.Ed.
Training and Development Specialist
Networx LLC

Sunday, July 12, 2015

FREE Child Care Training Program

Networx Child Care Training Program

Certified Assistant Child Care / Family Child Care Teacher Program

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the day care business will have some of the fastest employment growth of all industries through 2020.

Become qualified to work in a large group child care program or open your own in-home family child care business.

There is financial assistance from the Department of Labor and the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). If you qualify, you can complete the entire program FREE.

This training program will prepare individuals for working with children, in a family or group child care center:

Participants will:

  • Explore licensing standards and promote a quality child care program
  • Understand the stages of child development
  • Analyze techniques of positive behavior management
  • Explore daily program for children
  • Select developmentally appropriate activities, etc…

Participants can complete the program in 8 weeks.

Program start Dates:

Monday, August 3
Monday, August 17
Monday, August 31
Monday, September 21

**Call for additional start dates…

Class Days & Times: Monday from 10am – 1pm


TriCity National Bank (Lower Level Classrooms)

4295 West Bradley Road

Brown Deer, WI  53209
CALL US TODAY AT: 414-362-4209